Sunday, May 2, 2010

News and Video Training from the Florida Melitto Files

I received my most recent copy of the Florida Melitto Files: News for Bee Lovers in the mail.
Its a great resource for news and updates on the happenings in Florida. Dr. Jamie Ellis from the UF Honey Bee Research and Extension Laboratory announced a series of videos: A Video Field Guide to Beekeeping. They have created 4 training videos with a 5th on its way. The four are:
  1. Varroa Mites
  2. Small Hive Beetles
  3. Traceal Mites
  4. Nosema
The fifth will be on American and European Foulbrood. These are 100% free and available from their website: Click on "Extension" on the left of the page and you'll find where they have the videos posted or here:

View the current and past issues of the Melitto Files at:

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