It was a sunny, very hot morning and we were setup and working the first hive by 11am.
Activities included:
First Hive (middle)
- pulled 1 super for extraction and replaced with empty super with new foundation
- may need to enlarge the small entrance to allow for better ventilation
- Added AJ Beetle Eater
- Inspected brood chamber, mostly honey stores and a few drone and queen cells
- No visible queen activity or worker egg and/or larvae
- note: 3-4 plastic frames in brood chamber to replace on future visit
- Top super had 1.5 capped frames and others partially full, pull for extraction on next visit
- Added empty super with new foundation
- Lots of comb and honey built on and around inner cover and queen excluder
- Removed inner cover
- Added AJ Beetle Eater
- Lots of bee in brood chamber, Lots of Drones, capped worker brood, pollen cells
- No visible queen found
- Hive has brood chamber, Ross round super, and two regular supers
- Added AJ Beetle Eater to brood chamber
- 1 plastic frame in super to replace on next visit
- No supers ready with capped honey.
- Lots of bees and activity in supers and brood chamber
- No inspection of brood chamber, too hot and needed to stop for the day.
I'll work to cleanup and add new foundation to frames in this super in the near future.
I hope the next visit will be in much cooler weather.
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