Thursday, April 8, 2010

Mini-Nuc Comes Home

Wednesday April 7, 2010

I was able to go up to Bradenton yesterday to pickup a mini-nuc ( 2 frames with brood and a bit of honey) from a friend that had recently re-queened one of her hives and instead of killing off the old queen, just moved her and a small entourage over into a temporary nuc box.

Moving them was quite easy and I drove the 25 miles home and setup the waxed cardboard nucs in the backyard near the other nuc of wild starfruit bees (see previous posts).

It will take quite a while for this hive to grow in size and drawn out the other 3 frames in the nuc box, but its a start and with the spring nectar and pollen, I'm hoping they will get at it right away.

Watching bees is very relaxing and the sound of the "buzz" inside the hive is a comforting sound to the ears. Thank God for bees!

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