Thursday, December 24, 2009

Starfruit Bees move South

The wild hive is now setup on my A/C unit just outside my lanai. I placed them there on Monday morning and setup a feeder with sugar/water syrup. I watched early that morning as the first bees exited the hive ... they flew out and straight up in a spiral movement to about 30 feet and then off into the neighborhood. By late afternoon when I returned to check on them, the bees were quite active on the feeder and foraging bees were already returning to the hive with orange pollen on their sides. Seems they are adjusting quite well. With the colder temperatures, I"m sure they are enjoying being out of the wind and in their nuc. A picture of the new setup is top right ... a waxed cardboard nuc (small temporary hive) sitting on my A/C unit near the lanai. The yellow container is a feeder with a 2-to-1 Sugar/Water mixture. The other smaller container is a water source.

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